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The Analytics of Conflict
Readings Schedule
September 2008 |
October 2008 |
November 2008 |
December 2008 |
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Please note that this schedule lists only the required readings.
Refer to the syllabus for recommended readings and more detailedtopic breakdown.
You can only download the linked articles if you are connected to the Princeton network.
September 15: Theory and Explanation in International Relations
- Elster, Jon. 2007. Explaining Social Behavior, pp. 7-66, 163-256, 299-443.
September 22: Systemic Theories of War
- Waltz, Kenneth N. 1988. "The Origins of War in Neorealist Theory," in Rotberg & Rabb, pp. 39-52.
- Brooks, Stephen. 1997. "Dueling Realisms." International Organization, 51(3): 445-478.
- Sheehan, Michael. 1996. The Balance of Power: History & Theory. London: Routledge. Pp. 1-96, 145-169.
- Gilpin, Robert. 1988. "The Theory of Hegemonic War," in Rotberg & Rabb, pp. 15-38.
- Kugler, Jacek, and A.F.K. Organski. 1989. "The Power Transition: A Retrospective and Prospective Evaluation," in The Handbook of War Studies, pp. 171-194.
September 29: Military Technology and Strategy
- Jervis, Robert. 1978. "Cooperation Under the Security Dilemma." World Politics, 30(2): 167-214.
- Schelling, Thomas C. 1966. "The Dynamics of Mutual Alarm," in Arms and Influence, pp. 221-251.
- Van Evera, Stephen. 1998. "Offense, Defense, and the Causes of War." International Security, 22(4): 5-43.
- Lynn-Jones, Sean M. 1995. "Offense-Defense Theory and Its Critics." Security Studies, 4(4): 660-691.
- Van Evera, Stephen. 1984. "The Cult of the Offensive and the Origins of the First World War." International Security, 9(1): 58-107.
- Glaser, Charles L. 2000. "The Causes and Consequences of Arms Races." Annual Review of Political Science, 3: 251-276.
October 6: Human Nature and Perception
- Somit, Albert. 1990. "Humans, Chimps, and Bonobos: The Biological Bases of Aggression, War, and Peacemaking." Journal of Conflict Resolution, 34(3): 553-582.
- Byman, Daniel L., and Kenneth M. Pollack. 2001. "Let Us Now Praise Great Men: Bringing the Statesman Back In." International Security, 25(4): 107-146.
- Levy, Jack S. 1983. "Misperception and the Causes of War: Theoretical Linkages and Analytical Problems." World Politics, 36(1): 76-99.
- Crawford, Neta C. 2000. "The Passion of World Politics: Propositions on Emotion and Emotional Relationships." International Security, 24(4): 116-156.
- Jervis, Robert. 1988. "War and Misperception," in Rotberg & Rabb, pp. 101-126.
October 13: Internal Causes: Attributes and Leaders
- Hanson, Victor Davis. 2002. "Why the West Has Won," and "Western Warfare: Past and Future" in Carnage and Culture, pp. 1-26, 440-455.
- Van Evera, Stephen. 1994. "Hypotheses on Nationalism and War." International Security, 18(4): 5-39.
- Huntington, Samuel P. 1996. "Clashes of Civilizations," in The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, pp. 207-265.
- Benjamin, Daniel, and Steven Simon. 2003. The Age of Sacred Terror. Westminster: Random House, pp. 38-94, 419-446.
- Levy, Jack S. 1989. "The Diversionary Theory of War: A Critique," in The Handbook of War Studies, pp. 259-288.
- Levy, Jack S. 1988. "Domestic Politics and War," in Rotberg & Rabb, pp. 79-100.
October 20: Internal Causes: Institutions
- Allison, Graham, and Philip Zelikow. 1999. Essence of Decision, pp. 143-378.
- Doyle, Michael. 1983. "Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs." Philosophy and Public Affairs, 12(3): 205-235.
- Doyle, Michael. 1983. "Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs, Part 2." Philosophy and Public Affairs, 12(4): 323-353.
- Snyder, Jack. 1993. Myths of Empire. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 1-65, 305-322.
- Aldrich, John H., et al. 2006. "Foreign Policy and the Electoral Connection." Annual Review of Political Science, 9: 477-502.
- Baum, Matthew A., and Philip B.K. Potter. 2008. "The Relationships Between Mass Media, Public Opinion, and Foreign Policy: Toward a Theoretical Synthesis." Annual Review of Political Science, 11: 39-65.
October 27: NO CLASS (Fall Recess)
November 3: Strategic Choice: General
November 10: Strategic Choice: Uncertainty, Commitment, Reputation, and Regimes
- Blainey, Goeffrey. 1988. The Causes of War, pp. 3-176.
- Tang, Shiping. 2005. "Reputation, Cult of Reputation, and International Conflict." Security Studies, 14(1): 34-62.
- Goemans, Hein. 2000. "A Theory of War Termination," in War and Punishment, pp. 19-52.
- Slantchev, Branislav L. 2005. "Territory and Commitment: The Concert of Europe as Self-Enforcing Equilibrium." Security Studies, 14(4): 565-606.
- Hassner, Ron E. 2006. "The Path to Intractability: Time and the Entrenchment of Territorial Disputes." International Security, 31(3): 107-138.
- Goddard, Stacie E., Jeremy Pressman, and Ron E. Hassner. 2007. "Time and the Intractability of Territorial Disputes." International Security, 32(3): 191-201.
November 17: Nuclear Deterrence
- Schelling, Thomas C. 1966. "The Manipulation of Risk," in Arms and Influence, pp. 92-125.
- Powell, Robert. 1990. "The Nuclear Revolution and the Problem of Credibility," in Nuclear Deterrence Theory, pp. 6-32.
- Mueller, John. 1988. "The Essential Irrelevance of Nuclear Weapons: Stability in the Postwar World." International Security, 13(2): 55-79.
- Jervis, Robert. 1988. "The Political Effects of Nuclear Weapons." International Security, 13(2): 80-90.
- Sagan, Scott D. 1997. "Why Do States Build Nuclear Weapons? Three Models in Search of a Bomb." International Security, 21(3): 54-86.
- Sagan, Scott D. 1994. "The Perils of Proliferation: Organization Theory, Deterrence Theory, and the Spread of Nuclear Weapons." International Security, 18(4): 66-107.
November 24: The Origins of World War I
- Williamson, Jr., Samuel R. 1989. "The Origins of World War I," in Rotberg & Rabb, pp. 225-248.
- Maier, Charles S. 1989. "Wargames: 1914-1919," in Rotberg & Rabb, pp. 249-280.
- Lieber, Keir A. 2007. "The New History of World War I and What It Means for International Relations Theory." International Security, 32(2): 155-191.
- Snyder, Jack. 2008. "Defensive Realism and the `New' History of World War I." International Security, 33(1): 174-194.
- Trachtenberg, Marc. 1991. "The Meaning of Mobilization in 1914." International Security, 15(3): 120-150.
- Levy, Jack S., and Thomas J. Christensen. 1991. "Mobilization and Inadvertence in the July Crisis." International Security, 16(1): 189-203.
- Papayoanou, Paul. 1996. "Interdependence, Institutions, and the Balance of Power: Britain, Germany, and World War I." International Security, 20(4): 42-76.
- Howard, Michael. 1984. "Men against Fire: Expectations of War in 1914." International Security, 9(1): 41-57.
- Levy, Jack S. 1991. "Preferences, Constraints, and Choices in July 1914." International Security, 15(3): 151-186.
December 1: Presentations and Discussion
December 8: Presentations and Discussion