The House of Burgundy 1477 |
The House of Habsburg 1555 |
The Dutch Revolt 1576-98 |
The Netherlands 1568 |
French Royal Domain and Fiefs 999 |
France and the English Invasion 1415-53 |
France 1477 |
France in the 18th Century 1715-89 |
France Generalities 1789 |
Population Losses in Germany 1648 |
Brandenburg-Prussia 1525-1648 |
Prussia 1525-1795 |
Europe after Thirty Years' War 1648 |
Europe after Nine Years' War 1700 |
Colonies in America 1775 |
Holland Common Means Tax 1575-1648 |
Holland Tax and Debt Burden 1575-1794 |
Holland Government Interest Rates 1575-1748 |
Holland War and Finances 1575-1794 |
France War and Finances 1600-1789 |
France War and Peacetime Trend 1600-1789 |
France Tax Burden as Working 1600-1789 |
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Britain Government Debt 1618-1740 |
Britain Government Interst Rates 1693-1739 |
Britain War and Finances 1692-1939 |
France & Britain Government Spending 1688-1815 |
USA War and Finances 1791-2000 |
USA War and Finances per Capita 1791-2000 |
USA Military Spending of Total 1791-2000 |
USA Federal Revenue Sources 1791-2000 |
USA Personal Income Tax & Debt 1913-2000 |
USA Top/Bottom Tax Rates 1913-2012 |
USA Income Tax & Military Spending 1913-2012 |
Great Powers Military Spending 1900-2007 |
Great Powers Military Spending 1910-1920 |
Axis & Allies Military Spending 1914-1945 |
USA & USSR Military Spending 1945-1991 |